Saturday, October 22, 2016

Character Day Diorama Info.

Students have received a handout about their character day diorama projects that they MUST complete.

Shoeboxes and construction paper can be provided if students ask.

Dioramas must be of their favorite scene from the book they chose for Character Day.

Projects are worth 100 points and will be counted as 1 test grade.

Dioramas are due Tuesday, November 8 (the day before Character Day).

Students will be graded on the following:

20 points
For example, characters and setting should be designed so they look as close as possible to how they are described in the book.
20 points
No sloppy work please. These will be displayed for others to see and admire J
Originality/ creativity
40 points
The more ways you can creatively display your scene the better!
Oral presentation
20 points
On the due date, a short oral presentation will be done by each student to present their project to the class.
An example of a diorama in a shoebox for the book Charlotte's Web.

Image result for book diorama in shoebox

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