Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Homework should be done completely by students. Of course parents can help by explaining, but all answers should come from the students. Just like on classwork, I want students to TRY their best :)

I said this in class, but I will say it again here in case my students ever forget. If you want full credit on your spelling/vocabulary sentences:

1. Capitalize and punctuate correctly. The beginning of a sentence should ALWAYS have a capital letter. Add periods, exclamation, or question marks at the END to match your sentence.

2. Underline the spelling/vocab. words in your sentences.

3. Spell all the words correctly. There is no reason to spell these words wrong because you can check your "cheat sheet" or paper with the spelling word definitions.

4. Write specific sentences with details. If a spelling word is clap, please do NOT just write "I clap my hands." I clap my hands when I am satisfied with a show is much better. Remember, if I can ask a question about your sentence (who, what, where, when, why, how) or add because, that means you didn't write enough details.

5. Write in your BEST handwriting. I don't want to struggle to read your AWESOME work ;)

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