Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Last Week of School!

Thank you to all my students for everything this year; making me smile and laugh, helping me learn more about teaching and children, the cards and gifts, and all the good memories. I know it was a struggle to stay calm sometimes in class, but you all survived 3rd grade alhamdulillah!!!

I am extremely happy that I got to try new ideas with you all (like student of the month, class dojo, and fundraising to help endangered animals), and I hope you enjoyed them too! InshAllah you all learned a lot this year and will remember some of the good times we had in class together.

As you all grow up to be confident Muslims and accomplish great things in life inshAllah, you will ALL have to deal with negative people and negative comments. Please remember to BE THE BETTER PERSON and help make this crazy and sad world a better place.

If any of you ever need help or just want to talk, you can always come to me or even send me a message! I would love to hear from you all in the future, even those who are moving away :( You can also come back to this blog any time you want years from now to remember 3rd grade in my class!

May Allah bless you all and your families with long happy and healthy lives and reward you with Jannahtul Firdaws for your hard work these past 10 months. (Please make dua'ah for me too :)

Have a FUN and SAFE summer everyone <3

Akif vs Daut in Connect 4  

Idreese and Daut vs me. Can you tell who won by their expressions ;)

Sude working on her emoji puzzle with some help from Berra and Sarah

Puzzle completed!

I spy Sarah, Idreese, Sude, Akif, and Duat taking over the gym.

Sude, Sarah, Idreese, Akif, and Daut teaching me how to play WAR!

Look at what Berra made with modeling clay!

Idreese and I playing Battleship

What are Cileen and Sarah finger painting??

Sarah and Cileen "playing" the piano :p

Sarah, Cileen, Yahya and some visitors playing Simon Says

Sarah, Cileen, Berra, and Akif having fun with balloons!

Sometimes adults have to be silly with children :p

Cileen using her artistic skills to give Sarah "tattoos" ;)

The last day of school VS...

the 1st day of school :)
And I figured out how to add videos!

Science Fair 2017

Simon Says do a silly dance :p

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