Tuesday, December 6, 2016

2nd Marking Book Report

IMPORTANT: The book has been changed from Abraham Lincoln to Christopher Columbus. I am really sorry about this, but I will explain everything to the class.  

Miraj Academy requires students to complete a few book reports throughout the year. 3rd grade has learned about sequence, biographies, explorers, and timelines in Social Studies and Reading this year. To continue understanding these, students are required to bring in a copy of Who Was Christopher Columbus? by Bonnie Bader (shown above) by Monday, December 12th. This book can be borrowed for free from a public library or a copy can be purchased from Barnes and Noble. We will be reading and discussing this book in class and students will write about and create a timeline on Christopher Columbus. Timelines will be due on Friday, January 6, 2017.

Students will be graded on the following:

Written report form
20 points
Students will receive a nonfiction book report form that must be completed entirely and neatly.
Timeline posters
60 points
A timeline with 8 important events from the life of Christopher Columbus must be included. These events will be taken from this book. 1-2 sentences must describe each event and a picture (drawn or printed from the internet) should go with each event. I will also be looking for neatness, so please write big enough and neatly so I can hang these up :)
Oral presentation
20 points
A short oral presentation will be done by each student to present their poster to the class. Students will be able to share what they learned, anything they enjoyed, or had difficulties with.

Sample timeline below. The title for student's posters should have something to do with Christopher Columbus (for example Columbus's Life or Christopher Columbus).


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